Plagiarism may occur in two forms: if author(s) intentionally copy someone else’s work and claim it as their own or if author(s) copy his/her own previously published material either in full or in part without providing appropriate references.
Plagiarism is an unethical act and is not tolerable in any form for publication in the e-magazine. For all parties involved in the process of publishing (authors, Editorial Board, and reviewers), it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior. The authors are strictly advised against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form.
All the manuscripts must pass through an initial screening followed by a Peer review through Advanced Plagiarism Detection Software for ensuring the integrity of the scientific publication and to flag potential misconduct at an early stage. It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that their content is authentic. If any kind of plagiarism is found in submitted manuscript, the manuscript will be automatically rejected. Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board has all rights to reject an article which is against the publication policy and guidelines of Digital Agri e-magazine.
Plagiarized article will not be published in our Magazine. However, if any plagiarized article is published, the Magazine will not be responsible, and the authors will bear the sole responsibility. Even after the publication, if there is any sight of misconduct and it comes to our knowledge, the article will be removed immediately.
An author declaration form must be fully furnished by corresponding author at the time of submission of the manuscript for publication. The author declaration form can be downloaded from below.